CasperLabs Update 21st July 2020: Supporting Ethereum Applications on CasperLabs’ Blockchain

3 min readJul 23, 2020


Update summary

This week at CasperLabs, we released Node 0.20, with this release we will be kicking off our Beta-Testnet program, we also released an update to the CasperLabs signer to include Key-file management, we started working on an architecture for IPwe to transition from Hyperledger to CasperLabs Blockchain.

Our CTO, Medha Parlikar gives a presentation on “Supporting Ethereum Applications On CasperLabs” and an update on our 2020 Roadmap, our Economist, Alexander Limonov gives a presentation on “Validator Auctions Specification”.

We are doing a giveaway of 5 tickets for the Crypto Charity Poker Tournament on the 29th of July, 2 Bitcoin prize pool, entering to win is easy, tell us your favourite thing about CasperLabs, (DM @Hodlshark on twitter or telegram) and the top 5 voted answers will win an entry ticket!

Engineering Status

  • Node 0.20 was released on Monday, 20 July 2020. Release 0.20 has many new features such as Contract Headers, support for Multiple Signatures, etc.
  • Contract headers also enable the contract upgrade functionality
  • With this release, we will be kicking off our Beta-Testnet program
  • Testnet would be bounced on Wednesday, 22 July 2020 at 19:00hrs UTC with 5 additional validators.
  • We are planning on launching Beta Testnet soon with 50+ validators.
  • We are getting ready to set up a preliminary 5 Rust Node Network in LRTs next week. This network would have the capability to accept and gossip deploys and also support some basic queries.
  • Chainspec has been implemented so that the validators can join at Genesis only. The Nodes on the network will reach consensus and finalize blocks & deploys however, the nodes would not preserve state on restarting.

Current Focus

  • We’re working on a Cartel resistant Quorum size model for seigniorage.
  • We’re working on an initial implementation of the Bonding Auction for the network. Initially, there is going to be a fixed validator set for each era which would decentralize over time algorithmically.
  • Implementation of Vertices and deploy fetcher. The deploy fetcher fetches deploys from the deploy buffer for onward gossiping across the network.
  • Moving Global State to Storage component. Previously, we had two different storage models for the Scala and Rust node, this new storage component unifies the storage architecture for the Node software.
  • We will not do any additional work on the Scala Node. There will only be fixing of bugs reported on the Testnet.
  • Contract Runtime is mostly feature-complete. Will revisit after Rust Node implementation for any additional features.
  • Release CasperLabs Signer Version 0.03. This release comes with Key-file management.
  • Implement all CLTypes in Clarity under Deploy Contract.
  • We’re building an architecture for IPwe to transition from Hyperledger to CasperLabs Blockchain.


  • We’re adding price stabilization specifications into the Economics paper.
  • Writing Specifications for Auction slot adjustment mechanism and updating the economic simulator.



  • We are doing a giveaway of 5 tickets for the Crypto Charity Poker Tournament on the 29th of July, 2 Bitcoin prize pool, entering to win is easy, tell us your favourite thing about CasperLabs, (DM @Hodlshark on twitter or telegram) and the top 5 voted answers will win an entry ticket!
  • Our weekly Governance/Community call holds every Tuesday
  • Time: 9:00 AM PST (16:00 UTC, Sydney +11, Beijing +8, Greece +3, Amsterdam +2, Onitsha +1, New York -4, Seattle -7)
  • Location:
  • Our weekly workshops/dApp Session holds twice a week on:
  • Thursdays 07:00 am Pacific time and
  • Fridays 12:00 am Pacific (4 pm Japanese Time).
  • The zoom meeting id is

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Written by Ojimadu

Businessman, Entrepreneur, Techno-philiac, Gamer.

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