Update summary
Coming off our partnership with Chainlink, we have started designing an integration mechanism for stable and predictable fees on the CasperLabs blockchain. We’ve released some patches to the Testnet to fix some logical issues with the DAG on our Testnet which has been running stably for about four weeks with minimal maintenance. We’re also modeling the distributional effects of Vintage tokens proposal. A proposal to reward Validators to hold tokens for a longer period. On the Node side, we’re gradually porting the Node from Scala to Rust to avoid conflicts from the split-architecture model.
One of our economists, Onur Solmaz gives a presentation on “Maximizing throughput on a PoS blockchain”
Engineering status
- The team has complete the second weekly sprint and has entered the third sprint
- We’ve released some patches to the Testnet to fix some logical issues with the DAG structure.
- Testnest has been stable with minimal maintenance for about four weeks before discovering this bug.
- We’re working on the release of Node 0.19
- We’re adding deploy gossiping to subsequent releases that would result in a restart of genesis due to changes in the protocol.
- We would be fixing bugs in the finalizer and additional optimizations to the thread pool management.
- Working together with Validators to launch genesis round 6
- The performance of the testnet can be observed on CLarity explorer.
Current Focus
- We’re beginning to work on the Rust Node. We’re moving away from Scala because the split architecture model was becoming problematic and adding features like upgrades and state pruning would be a profound challenge.
- We’re also revamping and unifying the storage model.
- Contract headers are done but still undergoing testing and would likely be released in Node 0.19
- We’re working on WASM op-codes optimization for transaction cost
- We’re drafting the technical specification for Multikey support
- We’re moving GraphQL off the Node as it is a non-deterministic load and can consume resources and result in faults like equivocation and liveness failure…
- …as a result we’re exploring Kafka-like options for off-chain data reporting requirements.
- Our technical specification is being updated
- As part of our partnership with Chainlink, we’re designing an integration mechanism for token pricing data.
- We’re modeling distributional effects of Vintage tokens proposal. A proposal to reward Validators to hold tokens for a longer period.
- We’re working on onboarding community developers through Hackathons and workshops
- We have new timings for our weekly workshops- Friday 07:00 am Pacific and Friday 12:00 am Pacific (4 pm Japan Time). The zoom meeting id is https://casperlabs.zoom.us/j/924713678.
Want to get started?
At release, links to installation packages and relevant documentation are available on GitHub.
Where can bugs be filed?
Report a bug on GitHub